“The speaker's voice and tone in these poems is an achievement – singular, arresting, dripping in humour and irony, idiosyncratic, and sharp as a knife in the ribs.”

— Domenica Martinello, author of All Day I Dream About Sirens

"Blunt, dark, and endearing, brat is a delightfully nihilistic portrait of a person who can’t figure out what to call themself. Cumslut? Baby? Predator? Prey? Zillennials will recognize this as a sacred text that marries Gen Z cynicism and wit with Millennial resilience and naivety. The speaker has charmingly little regard for their life, and when you read the book you’ll know what I mean: “nobody cums barbed wire / anymore. it’s like they want me intact!” But just when you think there’s no hope for them, they turn around with the wisdom of an old witch wearing jeggings and smoking a ciggy to tell you all about beauty. Sophie Crocker has done spectacular voice work with their psychedelic debut, and is a poet whose fresh formal aesthetic will inspire readers to lean a little into chaos."

– Molly Cross-Blanchard, author of Exhibitionist

"Sophie Crocker's Brat is a bright, blaring, beautiful testament to survival and joy. If "love is only a horizon," we are what happens after and we are worth celebrating. Teeth-baringly brilliant, ferociously funny, this debut collection is a gift for bookworms and brats alike. I can't wait to reread each and every astrology poem as we cycle around the stars, as we take our long walks, as we prove we are irresistible and believe it."

– Sanna Wani, author of My Grief, the Sun

